About us

1983년 설립된 ㈜해우GLS는 지속적인 물류 프로세스 혁신과 축척된 경험을 바탕으로 물류분야에 특별한 노하우를 보유하고 있습니다. 일괄 수송체계를 구축하여 물류비용 절감 및 실시간 물류정보를 ONE STOP SERVICE로 제공합니다. 나아가 국내외 Network를 기반으로 첨단 IT시스템을 구축하여 고객이 직접 화물 조회 및 운송을 확인할 수 있는 안심 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
2005년 ISO 9001을 획득하였고 2012년 AEO 인증을 취득하여 표준화된 업무 프로세스를 구축하였습니다. 현재 지속적인 투자 및 연구개발을 통해 물류 분야의 경쟁력을 확보하였고 차세대 물류 선도 업체로 성장하고 있습니다.

Established in 1983, HAEWOO GLS has a special know-how in the field of logistics through ourinnovative process and accumulated experience.
By establishing completesystematic transportation network, we provide cost reduction and real time logistics information as ONE STOP SERVICE to our customers. Furthermore, we provide reassurance to our customers where they can directly track cargo and transportation through our advanced IT system based on domestic and overseas network. We acquired ISO 9001 in 2005 and acquired AEO certification in 2012 to establish a standardizedprocess.
Through our continuous investment in R&D, we have secured competitiveness in the logistics field, and will become the leader in next-generation logistics industry







Main Business

국제물류업 : Int’l Forwarding
육상/보세 운송업 : Trucking (3PL)
창고 관리 임대업 : Warehouse
플렉시탱크 사업 : Flexitank
물류대행 : Contract Logistics

Starting with the bonded transportation business in 1983, our company has grown for 40 years in all areas of integrated logistics, including forwarding, customs clearance, storage, and contracting, and has become a comprehensive logistics company. Furthermore, the company established a system that can be tracked from before shipment to the time of shipment after customs clearance by domestic shippers using its own Proof of Delivery (POD) and introduced AIReady for transportation of ultra-precision equipment for the first time in the industry.

As part of this, we are trying to proceed with standardized work by obtaining ISO 9001 in June 2005 and AEO certification in 2012.

In an era of increasingly fierce international competition, active management and competition are the only ways to secure competitiveness. We promise to transform the challenges ahead of us into new leaps and leap opportunities, and we promise to become a company that grows with customers through services that are always on your side, and we hope that everyone who uses our website will have a fun and beneficial time.

our vision

We promise to become a logistics company that customers trust with strong challenges and creative management.


Delivering high quality logistics systems Premium Customer Satisfaction Service


Development and Application of Convergence Process Creating synergy through the introduction of professional manpower


Save time/cost with optimized customized services Increase efficiency by deploying personnel in charge of each company

품질환경안전보건 경영방침

Quality, Environmental Health & Safety Management Policy

우리 회사의 서비스 품질, 환경, 안전보건 경영방침은 글로벌 최고의 물류서비스 제공과 국내․외 수출입 관련 규정 및 기준을 준수하여 수출입 공급망에서 발생할 수 있는 모든 환경, 안전 위험 요소를 안전하게 처리하여 고객 감동과 만족을 추구하며, 안전하고 건강한 작업환경 확보와 업무와 회사 임직원들의 상해 및 건강상 장해를 방지하고, 또한 지속적으로 품질, 환경 및 안전보건 성과를 향상 시킬수 있도록 아래와 같은 제반활동을 추진해 나가는데 있습니다.

1. We will continue to improve service quality and strengthen our technical capabilities to ensure the highest quality service competitiveness for customer satisfaction.

2. 저희는 환경오염물질예방을 통한 환경물질 최소화와 환경법규 및 각종 협약준수 등과 지속적인 환경개선을 통한 이해 관계자 만족을 추구할 것입니다.

3. 저희는 적극적으로 업무 환경의 유해, 위험요인을 제거하고 안전보건 리스크를 감소시켜 예방 중심의 산업안전보건관리 개선 활동을 지속적으로 추진할 것입니다.

4. 종합인증 우수업체(AEO) 관련 고객과 관세청 등 여러 이해관계자와의 상호협력을 통해 수출입안전관리 예방활동에 적극 노력하며, 아래와 같이 AEO 관련하여 추가방침을 설정 및 실천할 것입니다.

▷One, we provide active support and cooperation to meet the requirements for AEO compliance and safety management.
▷One, we establish and implement AEO legal compliance and safety management goals, and continue to improve through safety management risk evaluation and internal control evaluation.
▷One, we provide continuous and systematic training to all employees for compliance with AEO regulations and safety management.
▷One, we maintain integrity by complying with AEO-related regulations and communicate for mutual understanding within the organization.

이를 위하여 저희 회사의 모든 임직원과 이해관계자들은 정해진 서비스 품질, 환경 및 안전보건경영시스템을 이해하고 실행하며 참여하고, 유지개선 하는데에 최선을 다할 것입니다.




Haewoo GLS Co., Ltd. Established a company


air ∙ sea forwarding Service Implementation


Cheonan Logistics Center Establishment


ISO 9001:2000
Acquire Certification


Establishment of a Chinese branch


TOP Global Logistics Join the Network


Haewoo Flexitank ®
Production, service implementation


Establishment of a Vietnamese corporation
(Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh City)


Obtain AEO certification
(Forwarder/Bonded Transport)


Incheon Logistics Center
Establishment of Inland Transportation Business Department (Free Trade Zone at Incheon Airport)


Haewoo GLS
Establishment of Subsidiary Companies (4)


US Branch Established


ISO 45001:2018
Acquire Certification



Haewoo GLS., Ltd.
Established a company


air ∙ sea forwarding
Service Implementation


Cheonan Logistics Center Establishment


ISO 9001:2000
Acquire Certification


Establishment of a Chinese branch


Incheon Logistics Center
Establishment of Inland Transportation Business Department (Free Trade Zone at Incheon Airport)


Obtain AEO certification
(Forwarder/Bonded Transport)


Establishment of a Vietnamese corporation
(Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh City)


Haewoo Flexitank ®
Production, service implementation


TOP Global Logistics Join the Network


Haewoo GLS
Establishment of Subsidiary Companies (4)


US Branch Established